Brazilian slavery vs. American slavery
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Brazilian Slavery
May 1, 2019
What was slavery like in brazil?
Slavery in brazil was less harsher than the Americas but slaves werent treated like regular people cause of their color and their Religion they were outcasted by brazil and were looked down as like animals and didn't get their freedom till 1888.
What was resistance to slavery like in brazil?

Slaves especially women rebelled against their masters by terminating new born babies or stopping it this way the woman were fighting against the slavery system and depriving their owners from having another slave or another way female slaves would rebel is by using poisonous plants to kill their owners since African slaves knew medicine plants very well sometimes the masters would be cautious about it.
May 28, 2023

How did African diaspora continue to affect brazil today?
In a way Brazilian culture and African culture are mixed today some are the same but with a bit of African culture in it like carnivals and festivals that are celebrated in brazil or even traditional holidays that are celebrated in the new world after getting accustomed to African culture.
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January 03, 2023
Slavery resistance #2
Slaves rebelled by breaking equipment and tools so their owners wouldnt be able to get what they needed especially they called in sick or stole from their owners destroying their profit and in a way to escape and buy their freedom
February 23, 2023

How African culture affected brazil today?
Brazil now has an estimated 90 million people that are from Africa and with other diverse races and cultures/religions the main practice they do is catholicism since the beginning of the 16th century it was introduced to native Brazilians by missionaries and the first Portuguese settlers.
May 28, 2023
Did slaves still get treated equally after they got their freedom?
Slaves didn't get their freedom till 1888 in brazil but although the whippings would be no more life for slaves were more difficult because of racial prejudice causing them to live in poverty because of this but slaves got their education and own homes and family's after the abolition of slavery in brazil black men in 1870 were allowed to finally vote they took their rights and opportunities of citizenship actively.